
There are two examples that demonstrate Ibex usage.

The first is ‘Simple System’ and is part of the Ibex repository. It demonstrates a minimal system connecting Ibex to some memory with a timer peripheral and is targeted at simulation.

The second is the ‘Ibex Demo System’ which is a separate repository. It is targeted at FPGA implementation and contains some extra peripherals along with a RISC-V debug module integration.

Simple System

Simple system is built via FuseSoC. Verilator is the primary simulator it is designed for, though other simulators are also supported (such as VCS). Its aim is to make running a binary against Ibex RTL, obtaining an instruction trace, wave trace and any other simulation outputs as simple as possible along with demonstrating basic Ibex integration. See the Simple System README for more information.

There is an extended version of simple system which adds co-simulation checking. This cross-checks every instruction execution against a RISC-V ISS. It is the same co-simulation method used by our full DV environment but enables its use in a far simpler setup. The simple system co-simulation setup is compatible with Verilator (unlike our full DV environment). See Co-simulation System for more information.