Control and Status Registers
Ibex implements all the Control and Status Registers (CSRs) listed in the following table according to the RISC-V Privileged Specification, version 1.11.
Address |
Name |
Access |
Description |
0x300 |
Machine Status |
0x301 |
Machine ISA and Extensions |
0x304 |
Machine Interrupt Enable Register |
0x305 |
Machine Trap-Vector Base Address |
0x320 |
RW |
Machine Counter-Inhibit Register |
0x323 |
Machine Performance-Monitoring Event Selector |
. . . . |
0x33F |
Machine Performance-Monitoring Event Selector |
0x340 |
RW |
Machine Scratch Register |
0x341 |
Machine Exception Program Counter |
0x342 |
Machine Cause Register |
0x343 |
Machine Trap Value Register |
0x344 |
R |
Machine Interrupt Pending Register |
0x3A0 |
PMP Configuration Register |
. . . . |
0x3A3 |
PMP Configuration Register |
0x3B0 |
PMP Address Register |
. . . . |
0x3BF |
PMP Address Register |
0x5A8 |
Supervisor Context Register |
0x747 |
Machine Security Configuration |
0x757 |
Upper 32 bits of |
0x7A0 |
Trigger Select Register |
0x7A1 |
Trigger Data Register 1 |
0x7A2 |
Trigger Data Register 2 |
0x7A3 |
Trigger Data Register 3 |
0x7A8 |
Machine Context Register |
0x7AA |
Machine Supervisor Context Register |
0x7B0 |
Debug Control and Status Register |
0x7B1 |
RW |
Debug PC |
0x7B2 |
RW |
Debug Scratch Register 0 |
0x7B3 |
RW |
Debug Scratch Register 1 |
0x7C0 |
CPU Control and Status Register (Custom CSR) |
0x7C1 |
Security feature random seed (Custom CSR) |
0xB00 |
RW |
Machine Cycle Counter |
0xB02 |
RW |
Machine Instructions-Retired Counter |
0xB03 |
Machine Performance-Monitoring Counter |
. . . . |
0xB1F |
Machine Performance-Monitoring Counter |
0xB80 |
RW |
Upper 32 bits of |
0xB82 |
RW |
Upper 32 bits of |
0xB83 |
Upper 32 bits of |
. . . . |
0xB9F |
Upper 32 bits of |
0xF11 |
R |
Machine Vendor ID |
0xF12 |
R |
Machine Architecture ID |
0xF13 |
R |
Machine Implementation ID |
0xF14 |
R |
Hardware Thread ID |
See the Performance Counters documentation for a description of the counter registers.
Machine Status (mstatus)
CSR Address: 0x300
Reset Value: 0x0000_0080
Bit# |
R/W |
Description |
21 |
RW |
TW: Timeout Wait (WFI executed in User Mode will trap to Machine Mode). |
17 |
RW |
MPRV: Modify Privilege (Loads and stores use MPP for privilege checking). |
12:11 |
RW |
MPP: Machine Previous Privilege mode. |
7 |
RW |
Previous Interrupt Enable (MPIE), i.e., before entering exception handling. |
3 |
RW |
Interrupt Enable (MIE): If set to 1’b1, interrupts are globally enabled. |
When an exception is encountered, mstatus
.MPIE will be set to mstatus
.MIE, and mstatus
.MPP will be set to the current privilege mode.
When the MRET instruction is executed, the value of MPIE will be stored back to mstatus
.MIE, and the privilege mode will be restored from mstatus
If you want to enable interrupt handling in your exception handler, set mstatus
.MIE to 1’b1 inside your handler code.
Only Machine Mode and User Mode are supported.
Any write to mstatus
.MPP of an unsupported value will be interpreted as Machine Mode.
Machine ISA Register (misa)
CSR Address: 0x301
is a WARL register which describes the ISA supported by the hart.
On Ibex, misa
is hard-wired, i.e. it will remain unchanged after any write.
Machine Interrupt Enable Register (mie)
CSR Address: 0x304
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
is a WARL register which allows to individually enable/disable local interrupts.
After reset, all interrupts are disabled.
Bit# |
Interrupt |
30:16 |
Machine Fast Interrupt Enables: Set bit x+16 to enable
fast interrupt |
11 |
Machine External Interrupt Enable (MEIE): If set, |
7 |
Machine Timer Interrupt Enable (MTIE): If set, |
3 |
Machine Software Interrupt Enable (MSIE): if set, |
Machine Trap-Vector Base Address (mtvec)
CSR Address: 0x305
Reset Value: 0x0000_0001
is a WARL register which contains the machine trap-vector base address.
Bit# |
Interrupt |
31:2 |
BASE: The trap-vector base address, always aligned to 256 bytes, i.e.,
1:0 |
MODE: Always set to 2’b01 to indicate vectored interrupt handling (read-only). |
Machine Exception PC (mepc)
CSR Address: 0x341
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
When an exception is encountered, the current program counter is saved in mepc
, and the core jumps to the exception address.
When an MRET instruction is executed, the value from mepc
replaces the current program counter.
Machine Cause (mcause)
CSR Address: 0x342
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
Bit# |
R/W |
Description |
31 |
R |
Interrupt: This bit is set when the exception was triggered by an interrupt. |
4:0 |
R |
Exception Code |
When an exception is encountered, the corresponding exception code is stored in this register.
Machine Trap Value (mtval)
CSR Address: 0x343
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
When an exception is encountered, this register can hold exception-specific information to assist software in handling the trap.
In the case of errors in the load-store unit
holds the address of the transaction causing the error.If this transaction is misaligned,
holds the address of the missing transaction part.In the case of illegal instruction exceptions,
holds the actual faulting instruction.
For all other exceptions, mtval
is 0.
Machine Interrupt Pending Register (mip)
CSR Address: 0x344
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
is a read-only register indicating pending interrupt requests.
A particular bit in the register reads as one if the corresponding interrupt input signal is high and if the interrupt is enabled in the mie
Bit# |
Interrupt |
30:16 |
Machine Fast Interrupts Pending: If bit x+16 is set,
fast interrupt |
11 |
Machine External Interrupt Pending (MEIP): If set, |
7 |
Machine Timer Interrupt Pending (MTIP): If set, |
3 |
Machine Software Interrupt Pending (MSIP): if set, |
PMP Configuration Register (pmpcfgx)
CSR Address: 0x3A0 - 0x3A3
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
are registers to configure PMP regions. Each register configures 4 PMP regions.
31:24 |
23:16 |
15:8 |
7:0 |
pmp3cfg |
pmp2cfg |
pmp1cfg |
pmp0cfg |
The configuration fields for each region are as follows:
Bit# |
Definition |
7 |
Lock |
6:5 |
Reserved (Read as zero) |
4:3 |
Mode |
2 |
Execute permission |
1 |
Write permission |
0 |
Read permission |
Details of these configuration bits can be found in the RISC-V Privileged Specification, version 1.11 (see Physical Memory Protection CSRs, Section 3.6.1).
Note that the combination of Write permission = 1, Read permission = 0 is reserved, and will be treated by the core as Read/Write permission = 0.
PMP Address Register (pmpaddrx)
CSR Address: 0x3B0 - 0x3BF
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
are registers to set address matching for PMP regions.
31:0 |
address[33:2] |
Machine Security Configuration (mseccfg/mseccfgh)
CSR Address: mseccfg
: 0x747
: 0x757
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000_0000_0000
Bit# |
Definition |
2 |
Rule Locking Bypass (RLB): If set locked PMP entries can be modified |
1 |
Machine Mode Whitelist Policy (MMWP): If set default policy for PMP is deny for M-Mode accesses that don’t match a PMP region |
0 |
Machine Mode Lockdown (MML): Alters behaviour of |
is specified in the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) working group proposal PMP Enhancements for memory access and execution prevention on Machine mode (Smepmp) version 0.9.3, which gives the full details of it’s functionality including the new PMP behaviour when mseccfg.MML
is set.
Note that the reset value means PMP behavior out of reset matches the RISC-V Privileged Architecture.
A write to mseccfg
is required to change it.
Note mseccfgh
reads as all 0s and ignores all writes.
Any access to mseccfg
or mseccfgh
when using an Ibex configuration without PMP (PMPEnable
is 0) will trigger an illegal instruction exception.
Trigger Select Register (tselect)
CSR Address: 0x7A0
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
Accessible in Debug Mode or M-Mode when trigger support is enabled (using the DbgTriggerEn parameter).
Number of the currently selected trigger starting at 0. The number of triggers is configured by the DbgHwNumLen parameter.
Writing a value larger than or equal to the number of supported triggers will write the highest valid index. This allows a debugger to detect the allowed number of triggers by reading back the value.
Trigger Data Register 1 (tdata1)
CSR Address: 0x7A1
Reset Value: 0x2800_1000
Accessible in Debug Mode or M-Mode when trigger support is enabled (using the DbgTriggerEn parameter). Since native triggers are not supported, writes to this register from M-Mode will be ignored.
Ibex only implements one type of trigger, instruction address match. Most fields of this register will read as a fixed value to reflect the mode that is supported.
Bit# |
R/W |
Description |
31:28 |
R |
type: 2 = Address/Data match trigger type. |
27 |
R |
dmode: 1 = Only debug mode can write tdata registers |
26:21 |
R |
maskmax: 0 = Only exact matching supported. |
20 |
R |
hit: 0 = Hit indication not supported. |
19 |
R |
select: 0 = Only address matching is supported. |
18 |
R |
timing: 0 = Break before the instruction at the specified address. |
17:16 |
R |
sizelo: 0 = Match accesses of any size. |
15:12 |
R |
action: 1 = Enter debug mode on match. |
11 |
R |
chain: 0 = Chaining not supported. |
10:7 |
R |
match: 0 = Match the whole address. |
6 |
R |
m: 1 = Match in M-Mode. |
5 |
R |
zero. |
4 |
R |
s: 0 = S-Mode not supported. |
3 |
R |
u: 1 = Match in U-Mode. |
2 |
RW |
execute: Enable matching on instruction address. |
1 |
R |
store: 0 = Store address / data matching not supported. |
0 |
R |
load: 0 = Load address / data matching not supported. |
Details of these configuration bits can be found in the RISC-V Debug Specification, version 0.13.2 (see Trigger Registers, Section 5.2).
Trigger Data Register 2 (tdata2)
CSR Address: 0x7A2
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
Accessible in Debug Mode or M-Mode when trigger support is enabled (using the DbgTriggerEn parameter). Since native triggers are not supported, writes to this register from M-Mode will be ignored.
This register stores the instruction address to match against for a breakpoint trigger.
Trigger Data Register 3 (tdata3)
CSR Address: 0x7A3
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
Accessible in Debug Mode or M-Mode when trigger support is enabled (using the DbgTriggerEn parameter).
Ibex does not support the features requiring this register, so writes are ignored and it will always read as zero.
Machine Context Register (mcontext)
CSR Address: 0x7A8
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
Accessible in Debug Mode or M-Mode when trigger support is enabled (using the DbgTriggerEn parameter).
Ibex does not support the features requiring this register, so writes are ignored and it will always read as zero.
Supervisor Context Register (scontext)
CSR Address: 0x7AA
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
Accessible in Debug Mode or M-Mode when trigger support is enabled (using the DbgTriggerEn parameter).
Ibex does not support the features requiring this register, so writes are ignored and it will always read as zero.
Debug Control and Status Register (dcsr)
CSR Address: 0x7B0
Reset Value: 0x4000_0003
Accessible in Debug Mode only. Ibex implements the following bit fields. Other bit fields read as zero.
Bit# |
R/W |
Description |
31:28 |
R |
xdebugver: 4 = External spec-compliant debug support exists. |
15 |
RW |
ebreakm: EBREAK in M-Mode behaves as described in Privileged Spec (0), or enters Debug Mode (1). |
12 |
ebreaku: EBREAK in U-Mode behaves as described in Privileged Spec (0), or enters Debug Mode (1). |
8:6 |
R |
cause: 1 = EBREAK, 2 = trigger, 3 = halt request, 4 = step |
2 |
RW |
step: When set and not in Debug Mode, execute a single instruction and enter Debug Mode. |
1:0 |
prv: Privilege level the core was operating in when Debug Mode was entered. May be modified by debugger to change privilege level. Ibex allows transitions to all supported modes. (M- and U-Mode). |
Details of these configuration bits can be found in the RISC-V Debug Specification, version 0.13.2 (see Core Debug Registers, Section 4.8). Note that ebreaku and prv are accidentally specified as RW in version 0.13.2 of the RISC-V Debug Specification. More recent versions of the specification define these fields correctly as WARL.
Debug PC Register (dpc)
CSR Address: 0x7B1
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
When entering Debug Mode, dpc
is updated with the address of the next instruction that would be executed (if Debug Mode would not have been entered).
When resuming, the PC is set to the address stored in dpc
The debug module may modify dpc
Accessible in Debug Mode only.
Debug Scratch Register 0 (dscratch0)
CSR Address: 0x7B2
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
Scratch register to be used by the debug module. Accessible in Debug Mode only.
Debug Scratch Register 1 (dscratch1)
CSR Address: 0x7B3
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
Scratch register to be used by the debug module. Accessible in Debug Mode only.
CPU Control and Status Register (cpuctrlsts)
CSR Address: 0x7C0
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
Custom CSR to control runtime configuration of CPU components. Accessible in Machine Mode only. Ibex implements the following bit fields. Other bit fields read as zero.
Bit# |
R/W |
Description |
8 |
R |
ic_scr_key_valid: The icache scrambling key is valid. A
7 |
RW |
double_fault_seen: A synchronous exception was observed when
the |
6 |
RW |
sync_exc_seen: A synchronous exception has been observed.
This flag is cleared when |
5:3 |
dummy_instr_mask: Mask to control frequency of dummy instruction insertion. If the core has not been configured with security features (SecureIbex parameter == 0), this field will always read as zero (see Security Features). |
2 |
dummy_instr_en: Enable (1) or disable (0) dummy instruction insertion features. If the core has not been configured with security features (SecureIbex parameter == 0), this field will always read as zero (see Security Features). |
1 |
data_ind_timing: Enable (1) or disable (0) data-independent timing features. If the core has not been configured with security features (SecureIbex parameter == 0), this field will always read as zero. |
0 |
icache_enable: Enable (1) or disable (0) the instruction cache. If the instruction cache has not been configured (ICache parameter == 0), this field will always read as zero. |
Security Feature Seed Register (secureseed)
CSR Address: 0x7C1
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
Accessible in Machine Mode only.
Custom CSR to allow re-seeding of security-related pseudo-random number generators. A write to this register will update the seeding of pseudo-random number generators inside the design. This allows software to improve the randomness, and therefore security, of certain features by periodically reading from a true random number generator peripheral. Seed values are not actually stored in a register and so reads to this register will always return zero.
Time Registers (time(h))
CSR Address: 0xC01 / 0xC81
The User Mode time(h)
registers are not implemented in Ibex.
Any access to these registers will trap.
It is recommended that trap handler software provides a means of accessing platform-defined mtime(h)
timers where available.
Machine Vendor ID (mvendorid)
CSR Address: 0xF11
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
parameter in rtl/
to change the fixed value.
Details of what the ID represents can be found in the RISC-V Privileged Specification.
Machine Architecture ID (marchid)
CSR Address: 0xF12
Reset Value: 0x0000_0016
parameter in rtl/
to change the fixed value.
The value used is allocated specifically to Ibex.
If significant changes are made a different ID should be used.
Details of what the ID represents can be found in the RISC-V Privileged Specification.
Machine Implementation ID (mimpid)
CSR Address: 0xF13
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
parameter in rtl/
to change the fixed value.
Details of what the ID represents can be found in the RISC-V Privileged Specification.
Hardware Thread ID (mhartid)
CSR Address: 0xF14
Reads directly return the value of the hart_id_i
input signal.
See also Core Integration.